Cooper 12 Minute Run/Walk
- Place markers at set intervals around the track to aid in measuring the completed distance.
- Participants run for 12 minutes, and the total distance covered is recorded.
- Walking is allowed, though the participants must be encouraged to push themselves as hard as they can to maximize the distance covered.
- There are Cooper test norm tables for general guidelines for interpreting the results of this test for adults.
- There are also several equations that can be used to estimate VO2max (in ml/kg/min) from the distance score (a formula for either kms or miles):
- VO2max = (35.97 x miles) – 11.29
- VO2max = (22.35 x kilometers) – 11.29
- An estimate of your VO2 max can be calculated as follows:
- (Distance covered in metres – 504.9) ÷ 44.73
Male Athletes
Age | Excellent | Above Average | Average | Below Average | Poor |
13-14 | >2700m | 2400-2700m | 2200-2399m | 2100-2199m | <2100m |
15-16 | >2800m | 2500-2800m | 2300-2499m | 2200-2299m | <2200m |
17-19 | >3000m | 2700-3000m | 2500-2699m | 2300-2499m | <2300m |
20-29 | >2800m | 2400-2800m | 2200-2399m | 1600-2199m | <1600m |
30-39 | >2700m | 2300-2700m | 1900-2299m | 1500-1999m | <1500m |
40-49 | >2500m | 2100-2500m | 1700-2099m | 1400-1699m | <1400m |
>50 | >2400m | 2000-2400m | 1600-1999m | 1300-1599m | <1300m |
Female Athletes
Age | Excellent | Above Average | Average | Below Average | Poor |
13-14 | >2000m | 1900-2000m | 1600-1899m | 1500-1599m | <1500m |
15-16 | >2100m | 2000-2100m | 1700-1999m | 1600-1699m | <1600m |
17-20 | >2300m | 2100-2300m | 1800-2099m | 1700-1799m | <1700m |
20-29 | >2700m | 2200-2700m | 1800-2199m | 1500-1799m | <1500m |
30-39 | >2500m | 2000-2500m | 1700-1999m | 1400-1699m | <1400m |
40-49 | >2300m | 1900-2300m | 1500-1899m | 1200-1499m | <1200m |
>50 | >2200m | 1700-2200m | 1400-1699m | 1100-1399m | <1100m |
Rockport 1 Mile Run/Walk
- The purpose of this test is to walk as fast as possible for 1 mile.
- After you have completed the mile, immediately take your pulse rate.
- If you do not have a heart rate monitor, you can manually count the number of beats for 10 seconds, and then multiply that by 6 to get your minute heart rate.
- Note the time it took to complete the mile.
- You will also need to know your body weight for the VO2max calculation.
- A VO2max score can be calculated using the following equation (Kilne et al., 1987 and McSwegin et al., 1998):
- Females: VO2 = 139.168 – (0.388 x age) – (0.077 x weight in lb.) – (3.265 x walk time in minutes) – (0.156 x heart rate).
- Males: add 6.318 to the equation for females above.
- The formula (Kilne 1987) used to calculate VO2 max is:
- 132.853 – (0.0769 × Weight) – (0.3877 × Age) + (6.315 × Gender) – (3.2649 × Time) – (0.1565 × Heart rate)
- Where:
- Weight is in pounds (lbs)
- Gender Male = 1 and Female = 0
- Time is expressed in minutes and 100ths of minutes
- Heart rate is in beats/minute
- Age is in years
Bleep Test
The 20m multistage fitness test (MSFT) is a commonly used maximal running aerobic fitness test. It is also known as the 20 meter shuttle run test, beep or bleep test among other names.
Equipment required:
- Flat, non-slip surface
- Marking cones
- 20m measuring tape
- Bleep test cd
- CD player
- Recording sheets.
- This test involves continuous running between two lines 20m apart in time to recorded beeps.
- For this reason the test is also often called the ‘beep’ or ‘bleep’ test.
- The subjects stand behind one of the lines facing the second line, and begin running when instructed by the recording.
- The speed at the start is quite slow.
- The subject continues running between the two lines, turning when signaled by the recorded beeps.
- After about one minute, a sound indicates an increase in speed, and the beeps will be closer together.
- This continues each minute (level).
- If the line is reached before the beep sounds, the subject must wait until the beep sounds before continuing.
- If the line is not reached before the beep sounds, the subject is given a warning and must continue to run to the line, then turn and try to catch up with the pace within two more ‘beeps’.
- The test is stopped if the subject fails to reach the line (within 2 meters) for two consecutive ends after a warning.
- The athlete’s score is the level and number of shuttles (20m) reached before they were unable to keep up with the recording.
- Record the last level completed (not necessarily the level stopped at).
- This norms table below is only one set of norms available, and gives a very rough idea of what level score would be expected for adults,
Men | Women | |
Excellent | > 13 | > 12 |
Very good | 11 – 13 | 10 – 12 |
Good | 9 – 11 | 8 – 10 |
Average | 7 – 9 | 6 – 8 |
Poor | 5 – 7 | 4 – 6 |
Very poor | < 5 | < 4 |