Physical IQ Cardio Fit Pack

Cardio Fit Pack

For a limited time, package up all your continued education requirements.

Sign up for the Cardio Fit Pack and receive 3 NASM and 2 AFAA Continued Professional Development Courses.



NASM Cardio for Fitness Training (3 CEUs)
Our Cardiorespiratory Training for Fitness course will show you how to perform basic cardiorespiratory assessments and design unique cardiorespiratory training programs through the use of stage training. These programs will cater to individuals who want to reduce weight to the special population’s clientele.

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NASM Reactive Training (3 CEUs)
This comprehensive course provides students with an understanding of the physiological principles and real-life applications of power training, helping them to properly assess clients and design progressive, integrated power training programs for a variety of goals.

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NASM SAQ Training (2 CEUs)
The ability to change speed and direction of movement and appropriately react to all given stimuli is often the difference between injury and safety or success. Improving speed, change of direction and reaction time is possible through proper training strategies known as speed, agility and quickness or SAQ training.
This comprehensive course provides students with a general understanding of SAQ training concepts and the knowledge to help clients increase performance while decreasing risk of injury through the Optimum Performance Training® (OPT™) Model.

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AFAA Fitness Instructor Essentials (2 CEUs)
Learn evidence-based principles of movement science application, and review key tips for maintaining a healthy, fit lifestyle. Review various fitness assessments and programming to help monitor progress.

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AFAA Sustaining Mobility and Movement (7 CEUs)
As a fitness professional, you know that moving efficiently in activities is key to performance and longevity for you and your participants.
In this first release of AFAA® ’s Sustaining Mobility & Movement series, group fitness instructors and personal trainers gain the knowledge needed to make simple adjustments to counteract the negative effects of muscular imbalances that result from activities of daily living and a sedentary lifestyle—imbalances that can lead to potential injuries.
Uncover dysfunctions in the body’s kinetic chain and the associated movement deficiencies.
Identify common imbalances found in different group formats—cycle, resistance/strength training, cardio/HIIT, boot camp, dance, aqua and mind-body—and adjust them by applying the corrective exercise continuum.
Take group fitness to an individual level by assessing your class, seeing how students move, uncovering imbalances, and making adjustments to correct them.
Human Movement Science addresses the needs of individuals while also providing a successful group experience. It ensures your participants will perform at their best.

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