Anatomical Movement Analysis

The detailed analysis of movement is a complex activity which requires sophisticated equipment. However, the basic analysis of movement can be performed visually. The following can be determined:

  • Joints involved
  • Movements required
  • Muscles involved
  • Muscle action and function

The Analysis of Sprinting

The leg action in running involves the hip, knee and ankle joints.

The bones of the hip involved are the femur and pelvic girdle which form a ball and socket joint.
The bones of the knee involved are the femur and tibia that forms a hinge joint.
The bones of the ankle involved are the tibia and ankle that forms a hinge joint.

Each of these joints produces two actions, one when the leg is in contact with the ground (driving phase) and one when the leg is not in contact with the ground (recovery phase).

Driving Phase

Joints involvedActionAgonist Muscle
HipExtension and hyperextensionGluteal muscles (gluteus maximus and gluteus minimus) and Hamstrings (biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus)
KneeExtensionQuadriceps group of muscles (rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis and vastus intermedialis)
AnklePlantar flexionGastrocnemius

Recovery phase

Joints involvedActionAgonist Muscle
KneeFlexionHamstrings (biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus)
AnkleDorsiflexionTibialis anterior

The Analysis of Racket Strokes

There are two phases to striking a ball with a racket, the preparatory phase and the striking phase.The three joints concerned are the wrist, elbow and the shoulder.The elbow is a hinge joint formed by the humerus and ulna.The shoulder is a ball and socket joint formed between the humerus and the scapula.The wrist forms a condyloid joint between the ulna and carpal bones.

Preparatory Phase

Joints involvedActionAgonist Muscle
ElbowExtensionTriceps brachii
ShoulderHorizontal hyperextensionPosterior deltoid and latissimus dorsi

Striking Phase

Joints involvedActionAgonist Muscle
WristPronationPronator teres
ElbowFlexionBiceps brachii
ShoulderHorizontal flexionPectoralis major and anterior deltoid
TrunkRotationExternal obliques

 The Analysis of Kicking

The action in kicking is one that involves the hip, knee and ankle joints.The bones of the hip involved are the femur and pelvic girdle that form a ball and socket joint.The bones of the knee involved are the femur and tibia that form a hinge joint.The bones of the ankle involved are the tibia and ankle joint that form a hinge.Kicking comprises of two phases, the preparatory phase and the kicking phase.

Preparatory Phase

Joints involvedActionAgonist Muscle
HipExtension and hyperextensionGluteal muscles (gluteus maximus and gluteus minimus)
KneeFlexionHamstrings (biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus)
AnklePlantar flexionGastrocnemius

Kicking phase

Joints involvedActionAgonist Muscle
KneeExtensionQuadriceps group of muscles (rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis and vastus intermedialis)
AnklePlantar flexionGastrocnemius