Benefits of Flexibility Training

When joints are not moved through a full range of motion due to inactivity, they adapt to this position by shortening, which decreases flexibility. Poor flexibility decreases the body’s ability to maintain proper posture, limits proper joint motion, and increases the risk for low back pain, joint pain, and injury during everyday activities.

Benefits of Flexibility Training

Increases joint range of motionDecreases general neuromuscular tension (stress)
Relieves joint stressDecreases adhesion’s (or knots) in muscles and fascia
Improves elasticity of muscles and connective tissueDecreases general aches and pains
Improves elasticity of muscles and connective tissueDecreases anxiety
Improves neuromuscular efficiencyDecreases high blood pressure
Improves overall function required during daily chores and recreational activities.Decreases muscle cramps

Factors Affecting Flexibility

Flexibility varies from one individual to the next, but there are a few common factors that negatively affect tissue extensibility and joint range of motion:

• Genetics
• Composition of tendons or skin surrounding the joint
• Age
• Gender
• Joint structure and position e.g. the anterior or posterior tilt of the pelvis will put the hamstrings in either a lengthened or a shortened position respectively
• Strength and activation of opposing/ antagonistic muscle groups
• Previous injuries
• Activity level
• Repetitive movements (pattern overload)